RRC supports your projects across the Upstream, Midstream, and Downstream sectors with expert engineering, project development, and on-site technical services. Our innovative solutions and proven expertise ensure efficiency, safety, and success in every phase of your project.
Comprehensive services for upstream, midstream, and downstream sectors.
Delivering quality and timely solutions to leading industry companies.
Helping clients keep projects on time and on budget.
Expertise and certifications that set us apart from competitors.
Proven track record in surveying well locations, pipelines, and providing geotechnical engineering and construction materials testing.
Actively listed with ISNetworld, PICs, and BROWZ.
Performing QA/QC during construction, weld inspections, and design review.
Tailored designs and responsive services that meet the unique needs of each client and project.
Handling diverse projects including tank batteries, pump stations, compressor stations, and refineries.